culture: hindu, goddess: atargatis, goddess: ma-bellona, culture: greek, culture: anatolian, god: attis, subject: sex and gender, goddess: bahuchara mata, culture: mesopotamian, culture: roman, goddess: cybele

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  • Links, November 2010

    ikhet_sekhmet Nov 10, 2010 23:05

    text: bible, culture: hindu, culture: egyptian, goddess: mut, culture: chavin, culture: prehistoric, culture: mesopotamian

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  • I've been awake since 3 am. Have some links

    ikhet_sekhmet Dec 01, 2009 06:10

    Pharaonic-Era Sacred Lake Unearthed in Egypt, ABC News 15 October 2009 [Temple of Mut at Tanis]

    Messages from the past become easy to read: USC researchers are producing crisp images of inscriptions and artifacts from biblical Israel and other Near Eastern locales and putting the pictures online. [Using a thing that looks like the Large Hadron ( Read more... )

    culture: hindu, culture: egyptian, goddess: mut, weaving and pottery make the world, culture: prehistoric, goddess: durga

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  • The Love Goddess in Western Semitic Tradition

    ikhet_sekhmet Oct 29, 2009 20:48

    A large number of recorded public lectures given at the California Museum of Ancient Art are available on CD. I hugely enjoyed a 1987 talk by Dr William Fulco titled "The Love Goddess in Western Semitic Tradition" - here are a few notes from that ( Read more... )

    culture: hindu, culture: canaanite, author: fulco, goddess: kali, goddess: anat, text: bible, culture: hittite/hurrian, culture: ugaritic, goddess: asherah, subject: mythological parallels, subject: sex and gender

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  • Miscellany

    ikhet_sekhmet Aug 27, 2009 17:39

    • An ABC Radio National podcast, The Religion Report, describes the first complete Bible translation in an indigenous language. One of the translators remarks on the similarities between traditional Aboriginal life and the nomadic Hebrews, but what caught my attention was this remark: "Some have taken quite a bit of talking around, just to try and ( Read more... )

    culture: hindu, culture: egyptian, culture: prehistoric, subject: sex work, text: bible, goddess: durga, culture: mesopotamian, culture: indigenous australian

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  • In no particular order

    ikhet_sekhmet Mar 08, 2009 18:55

    culture: hindu, culture: prehistoric, culture: celtic, figure: blessed virgin mary, culture: hittite/hurrian, goddess: asherah, culture: hebrew, culture: mesopotamian

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  • Exhibitions

    ikhet_sekhmet Oct 29, 2006 18:47

    The Art Gallery of NSW is currently running a magnificent exhibition of Indian, Tibetan, and Nepali art, Goddess: Divine Energy - just the most gobsmacking collection of paintings and sculptures of Buddhist, Hindu, and related goddesses. It's on until January.

    Lloyd sent me clippings on three exhibitions Up Over: Devi: The Great Goddess, shown at ( Read more... )

    culture: hindu, culture: aztec, culture: buddhist, goddess: devi

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